Artikel aktualisiert am 27.05.2021.
Ihr kennt Yo! Mafia nicht? Eigentlich schade, aber macht nichts und wir klären euch gerne auf. Die gebürtige Australierin ist nicht nur eine talentierte Djane, sondern zudem auch noch ein Urgestein der globalen Sneakerszene. Seit mehr als 15 Jahren ist sie in der Musik-Sneaker und Streetwearszene aktiv und sammelt seit 30 Jahren Sneaker.

Ihre Liebe zu Sneaker brachte sie dazu, sich auch (haupt)-beruflich mit dem Thema Sneaker zu beschäftigen. Als Online Chefredakteurin war Yo! Mafia 5 Jahre lang für das weltweit renommierte Sneaker Magazin, Sneaker Freaker tätig, bevor sie sich 2012 dazu entschloss, das Schreiben an den Nagel zu hängen und ihrer zweiten Leidenschaft, der Musik, nachzugehen. Seitdem tourt sie quer durch Australien und hostet ihre eigene Party Reihe und produziert fleissig Mixtapes. Aber damit nicht genug: Als Gesicht der letzten Nike Air Max Day Kampagne ist sie zudem ein gefragter Brand-Ambassador und Consultant für Marken, wie eben Nike, G-Shock, adidas, Crumpler, Uniqlo oder auch Microsoft. Wenn es um Sneaker und Musik geht, führt an Yo! Mafia definitiv kein Weg vorbei und daher mussten wir sie unbedingt nach ihrem Latest Pick-Up befragen. Los geht´s.
Your shoe size?
I wear a US 7.
What´s your latest Purchase?
I haven’t bought a pair of sneakers in a long time as I’m fortunate to have some great connections at brands that flow me product. The last pair that was sent to me was the incredible re-issue of the Atmos x Nike Air Max 1 Elephant. As Australia’s “OG” ambassador the recent Air Max Day Campaign in March I was honored to receive all the OG drops that released, so getting my hands on another pair of Atmos as well as the OG 87s was dope considering how limited they all were. I count my sneaker blessings every day for the connects.

What´s your all-time classic Sneaker?
Definitely the Air Jordan IV. It’s a classic design that has stayed with me since the 90s. I just can’t find another sneaker that marries complete comfort with incredible design. I stand long hours behind the decks so they are perfect for my wide foot providing maximum stability as well as alleviating any back pain discomfort. My podiatrist actually told me they were the best shoes to be wearing while working. Of course I stumbled on the one podiatrist in town that is a huge sneaker head, so he was well versed in the pros of rocking Air Jordan’s!
Which pair of Sneakers will you be buying next?
It’s been a very long time since I’ve sought out a pair of kicks to buy. My priorities changed after collecting for over 30 years. It’s a long time to be in the game! I started collecting at 12 and really hit hard in the early 2000s with loads of vintage and retro releases. I have a feeling if I do buy anything next it will be a classic from back in the day. The trends seem to be coming full circle again with heads really trying to break necks with kicks that you just can’t find anymore. It’s a nice look!
What brand caught your attention lately?
I’m a lover of all brands, and so stoked with what all the companies are bringing out. I’m fortunate to have some great friends that work at each brand on the market, and am constantly inspired by what they are bringing to the table. Adidas have just been full throttle with their designs and releases – it’s so great to see as I’m close with some of the designers, collaborators and innovators. It’s always epic to see your friends succeeding and bringing crazy designs to life. Puma have been doing the same, especially with their upcoming TSUGI silhouette. Reebok continue to bring out classics that I rock on the daily, and of course Nike have really turned cats back onto Air Max in a big way. I also have a huge love for Visvim, I’m stoked the weather has gotten a little cooler so I can start rocking my small rotation of Vissies again!
How many shoes do you own?
At one time there was upwards of 500 pairs, thanks to my 5 years as Senior Online Content Producer at Sneaker Freaker! But in the last couple of years, like most older sneakerheads, my priorities have shifted and I’ve downsized dramatically. I have around 120 pairs on rotation now, with around 50 at home and the rest in storage. I try to wear everything, but I am a creature of habit and lean towards my favourites and most comfy pairs time and time again.

What Style is a „no-go“ for you?
Anything without decent support. I have so many injuries from DJng and travelling so much, that comfort and support are the biggest factors when buying/wearing kicks! Having said that Sketchers are meant to be exactly the shoe for crap backs and knees, but you’ll never find me rocking a pair!

Thank´s, Mafia, it was very interesting and nice talking to you. We wish you all the best with with your DJ career and let us know, once you dropped a new Mixtape.